Our Keynote Speakers
The University of Western Australia (M251)
35 Stirling Highway
Ken Clements has been at The University of Western Australia since 1981 as a Professor of Economics and since 2008, BHP Billiton Research Fellow. He is a generalist economist with interests in international economics, monetary economics and applied microeconomics. His research has been supported by grants from BHP Billiton and the Australian Research Council. He has recently published research in the American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Journal of Business, European Economic Review and the Journal of International Money and Finance. Cambridge University Press has published two of his books, Economics and Marijuana (with X. Zhao, 2009) and Currencies, Commodities and Consumption (2013).
Clements is a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia; received a Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning from the Australian Learning and Teaching Council; and served as a Member of the ERA 2015 Economics and Commerce Research Evaluation Committee, Australia Research Council.
Since its inception in 1987, Clements has been centrally involved with the annual UWA-ANU-Monash-UQ PhD Conference in Economics and Business. This has attracted something like 800 PhD students from a large number of universities in Australia, New Zealand and elsewhere. He has supervised research students working in a variety of areas such as monetary economics, resource economics, international consumption patterns and exchange-rate economics.
PhD (in Economics), The University of Chicago, 1977
Master of Economics, Monash University, 1974
Bachelor of Economics (First Class Honours), Monash University, 1973
Room 5188, Rock 100
Piscataway, New Jersey 08854-8054
Professor Lee is the Editor of the Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting (RQFA), and the Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies. He is the Director of the Conference on Financial Economics and Accounting, and the Conference on Pacific Basin Business, Economics and Finance. He has published more than 170 articles in journals including the Journal of Finance, JFQA, Accounting Review, Journal of Accounting Research, Review of Economics and Statistics, and Management Science. Professor Lee has written six books on corporate finance, portfolio management, business statistics and urban econometrics.
Professor Lee spoke recently in Taiwan at the International Economic Policy Forum.
Ph.D., State University of New York at Buffalo; Economics and Finance
M.S., West Virginia University; Statistics
M.A., National Taiwan University; Economics
United Kingdom
Jun Du is Professor of Economics at Economics, Finance and Entrepreneurship Department at Aston Business School. She has obtained her PhD degree in University of Leicester and is a research fellow in Advanced Institute of Management. Her main research interest is to understand the driving forces and impediments of productivity enhancement and economic growth, from multi-level dimensions of individuals, firms, industries, regions, governments, and their interplays, in both developed and emerging economic contexts. She has expertise in applied econometric methodologies using micro-data from both developed and developing countries. Jun published in International Journal of Industrial Organization, Research Policy, Journal of Productivity Analysis, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Journal of Law, Economics and Journal of Business Venturing and International Journal of Business Studies. Her research has received external funding from the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), Leverhulme Foundation, NESTA foundation, and various UK government agencies including UKTI, DTI and BIS, local governments and authorities, as well as from the private sector. She led the productivity research projects in the Business Demography Research theme in the UK Enterprise Research Centre (ERC), and is currently the Director of the Lloyds Banking Group Centre for Business Prosperity (LBP).
Ph D, University of Leicester, 2007. Subject: Economics
MSc, Cardiff University (Business School), 2002. Subject: International Banking, Finance and Economics
BA, Inner Mongolian University, 1999. Subject: Economics and Management
Carmine Bianchi is Professor of Public Management at the Department of Political Sciences, University of Palermo (Italy), where is also the scientific coordinator of CED4 System Dynamics Group.
He is the director of the Doctoral program in “Model Based Public Planning, Policy Design, and Management”, and of the Scientific Coordinator of the Master in Public Management.
Professor Bianchi is member of the Steering Committee of the European Master in System Dynamics, an joined degree with the Universities of Nijmegen (the Netherlands), Bergen (Norway) and Lisbon (Portugal). This is an “Erasmus Mundus” funded program, patronized by the European Commission.
He is editor of the book series in “System Dynamics for Performance Management”, by Springer. He has published on several academic and professional journals, where and he also serves as a member of the Scientific Committee.
Professor Bianchi has research and consulting experience with public and private sector organizations in designing policies and outlining consistent programs to link strategy and implementation. These scientific interests also embody the design and implementation of outcome-based performance management systems to foster collaborative governance. Consulting and education projects that Prof. Bianchi has conducted cover: strategic planning and control, performance management and reporting, as well as System Dynamics modeling for performance improvement and crisis prevention (Dynamic Performance Management).
In the last decade Professor Bianchi has been strengthening an international network related on “Dynamic Performance Management”. He has been collaborating with a number of Universities all over the world, ranging from Europe (Bergen, Norway; Nijmegen, The Netherlands; LMU, Corvinus University, Budapest; University of Munich – Center for Advanced Studies-CAS; St. Gallen, Switzerland; KTH, Stockholm, Sweden), to AustralAsia (Top Education Institute, Sydney; Multimedia University and National University of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur; Hanoi University; Rangsit University, Bangkok; Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta), and America (University of Campinas, Brazil).
In the USA, Professor Bianchi has developed a strong scientific collaboration with the School of Government of University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He has been visiting professor at the Rockefeller College of Public Affairs & Policy, University at Albany, and at the College of Public Affairs at the University of Baltimore. He has also collaborated with the School of Public Affairs at the Baruch College, New York; and the Department of Political Science, University of Pittsburgh.
University of Palermo, 1979. Subject: Economics
Taipei 11695, Taiwan
Professor Yu is Chair Professor and President at China University of Technology, Taiwan. He is also Chair Professor at National Chiao Tung University and a research fellow at RIRC, National Cheng-Chi University. He has been a Distinguished Professor at National Taiwan University and a Visiting Professor at Drexel University. He was also President of the Taiwan Risk and Insurance Association and the Financial Engineering Association of Taiwan. He received his Ph.D. in Economics from Ohio State University and a B.S. from National Taiwan University.
Professor Yu has been a consultant for the U.S. Congressional Budget Office and the Asian Development Bank. He has won many grants and awards, among them the Distinguished Research Award of the National Science Council, the Distinguished Teaching Award of the Ministry of Education and the MacKay Canadian Studies Faculty Research Award.